Differences between revisions 5 and 35 (spanning 30 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2012-07-11 19:33:01
Size: 4645
Comment: add media links
Revision 35 as of 2012-11-02 13:49:01
Size: 3253
Comment: announce oral argument
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Long Wharf Park, at the seaward end of historic Long Wharf in Boston Harbor, is under threat. Since 2006, the [[http://bostonredevelopmentauthority.org|Boston Redevelopment Authority]] has been trying to lease the space to a private operator who will build a late-night restaurant and bar. Since 2008, the North End Ten have been fighting this change as unconstitutional: The Massachusetts Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature before public parkland can be converted to other uses. This vote, and the public debate it would require, has never happened. Now the case is before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. [[attachment:DSCN1777.JPG|{{attachment:DSCN1777.JPG|looking northeast through end of shade pavilion (that would become a restaurant)|width=100}}]]
[[attachment:DSCN1779.JPG|{{attachment:DSCN1779.JPG|view of harbor from shade pavilion (that would become a restaurant)|width=100}}]]
[[attachment:DSCN1781.JPG|{{attachment:DSCN1781.JPG|looking southeast through shade pavilion (that would become a restaurant)|width=100}}]]
[[attachment:july4crowds.jpg|{{attachment:july4crowds.jpg|crowds on July 4, 2012|width=100}}]]
{{http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Boston_Long_Wharf_2.JPG/640px-Boston_Long_Wharf_2.JPG|viewing plaza and shade pavilion (from Wikipedia)|width=115}}
[[attachment:MS089.JPG|{{attachment:MS089.JPG|crowds on July 4th, 2012|width=100}}]]
[[Photos|..photo gallery]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://savelongwharfpark.org"><img
src="https://static.shopify.com/s/files/1/0162/0632/t/3/assets/fb_share_btn.jpg" /></a>
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On this site you will find legal documents and links to media articles. '''Long Wharf Park, at the seaward end of historic Long Wharf in Boston Harbor, is under threat.'''

Since 2006, the [[http://bostonredevelopmentauthority.org|Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA)]] has been trying to lease the space to a private operator who will build a late-night restaurant and bar. Since 2008, the North End Ten have been fighting this change as unconstitutional: The [[http://protectmassenvironment.org/article_97.htm|Massachusetts Constitution]] requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature before public parkland can be converted to other uses. This vote, and the public debate it would require, has never happened. The
[[attachment:LegalDocuments/bra-sjc-brief.pdf|BRA contends|&do=get]]
that it is not needed. A [[attachment:LegalDocuments/superior-court-judgment.pdf|Superior Court judge disagreed|&do=get]].

Now the case, and the fate of Long Wharf Park, is on appeal before the [[http://www.ma-appellatecourts.org/search_number.php?dno=sjc-11134|Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court]]. '''[[OralArgument|Come hear the oral arguments, live or on the web: Monday, November 5th.]]'''

On this site you will find '''[[LegalDocuments|legal documents]]''', a '''[[Photos|photo gallery]]''', answers to '''[[FAQ|frequently asked questions]]''', and '''[[Press|links to media articles]]'''. Here is the [[http://hubmaps1.cityofboston.gov/egis/Map.aspx?PropertyID=0303004000|City of Boston's GIS map]].

== What you can do ==

Point your friends and family, including journalists (print, blog, television) to http://savelongwharfpark.org

Thanks to generous contributions, we have raised the legal-defense fund!
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''The legal proceedings have had three stages: an administrative appeal, a Superior Court lawsuit, and (pending) an appeal in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The documents are extensive, and the most important are included at the following link.''
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== Press == == In the media ==
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 1. [[http://electkevin.blogspot.com/2009/03/bra-running-roughshod-over-laws.html|BRA
running roughshod over laws, citizens in North End]], ''Kevin McCrea
for Mayor'', March 31, 2009. Comments on article in ''India New
England'' about an Indian (plaintiff Sanjoy Mahajan) fighting for a
long shot, to protect Long Wharf Park from becoming a late-night
restaurant and bar. (Unfortunately, the ''India New England'' server
is very often unresponsive.)
The effort to save Long Wharf Park has been in the media frequently. See [[Press|these links]].
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1. [[http://northendwaterfront.com/2010/01/appeal-to-stop-docs-long-wharf-is-denied/|Appeal
to Stop “Doc’s Long Wharf” is Denied]], ''NorthEndWaterfront.com'',
January 17, 2010. Reports on decision by the
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to deny the
administrative appeal by the North End Ten.
== Frequently asked questions ==
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1. [[http://bostonherald.com/business/general/view/20100119state_oks_long_wharf_restaurant|State
OKs Long Wharf restaurant]], ''Boston Herald'', January 19, 2010
(summary only; rest behind paywall). Also reports on decision by the
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to deny the
administrative appeal by the North End Ten.

1. [[http://northendwaterfront.com/2010/09/local-residents-file-legal-challenge-to-proposed-long-wharf-restaurant/|Local
Residents File Legal Challenge to Proposed Long Wharf Restaurant],
''NorthEndWaterfront.com'', September 1, 2010. Reports on the North
End Ten's filing the lawsuit in Superior Court to declare the
restaurant license invalid (with a beautiful photograph of Long Wharf

1. [[http://northendwaterfront.com/2010/10/resident-group-wins-round-one-in-long-wharf-restaurant-case/|Resident
Group Wins Round One in Long Wharf Restaurant Case]],
''NorthEndWaterfront.com'', October 21, 2010. Reports on decision by
Superior Court judge to deny the state's and the BRA's motions to
dismiss the lawsuit against the restaurant. In plainer English: The
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Boston
Redevelopment Authority filed a motion saying that the lawsuit should
be dismissed. The judge denied the motion, so the lawsuit continued.

1. [[http://www.universalhub.com/2011/will-end-long-wharf-be-restaurant|Will
the end of Long Wharf be a restaurant?]], ''Universal Hub'', May 3,
2011. Reports on a hearing by the Boston licensing board to decide
whether to revoke the proposed restaurant's liquor license (because it
is not being used due to the lawsuit).

1. [[http://www.universalhub.com/2011/proposed-long-wharf-restaurant-gets-60-day-repriev|Proposed
Long Wharf restaurant gets 60-day reprieve]], ''Universal Hub'', May
5, 2011. Reports on the decision by the Boston licensing board to
give the proposed restaurant operator, Michael Conlon, 60 days to
start using the liquor license.

1. [[http://www.universalhub.com/2011/judge-tosses-state-approval-restaurant-end-long-wh|Judge
tosses state approval of restaurant at the end of Long Wharf]],
''Universal Hub'', June 13, 2011. Reports on decision by Superior
Court judge to void the Chapter 91 license for the proposed late-night
restaurant and bar.

1. [[http://www.universalhub.com/2011/long-wharf-restaurant-plan-sinks-operators-try-luc|Long
Wharf restaurant plan sinks; operators to try luck in South Boston]],
''Universal Hub'', July 27, 2011. Reports on decision by restaurant
operator to transfer liquor license to South Boston after the Chapter
91 license was thrown out by the Superior Court judge.

1. [[http://northendwaterfront.com/2012/06/long-wharf-park-just-a-footnote/|Long
Wharf Park: Just a Footnote?]], ''NorthEndWaterfront.com'', June 13,
2012. Comment piece by one of the North End Ten plaintiffs describing
the upcoming Supreme Judicial Court case (with a beautiful picture of
Long Wharf Park).
Here are [[FAQ|answers to frequently asked questions]].

Save Long Wharf Park!

looking northeast through end of shade pavilion (that would become a restaurant) view of harbor from shade pavilion (that would become a restaurant) looking southeast through shade pavilion (that would become a restaurant) crowds on July 4, 2012 viewing plaza and shade pavilion (from Wikipedia) crowds on July 4th, 2012 ..photo gallery   

Long Wharf Park, at the seaward end of historic Long Wharf in Boston Harbor, is under threat.

Since 2006, the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) has been trying to lease the space to a private operator who will build a late-night restaurant and bar. Since 2008, the North End Ten have been fighting this change as unconstitutional: The Massachusetts Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature before public parkland can be converted to other uses. This vote, and the public debate it would require, has never happened. The BRA contends that it is not needed. A Superior Court judge disagreed.

Now the case, and the fate of Long Wharf Park, is on appeal before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Come hear the oral arguments, live or on the web: Monday, November 5th.

On this site you will find legal documents, a photo gallery, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to media articles. Here is the City of Boston's GIS map.

What you can do

Point your friends and family, including journalists (print, blog, television) to http://savelongwharfpark.org

Thanks to generous contributions, we have raised the legal-defense fund!

The legal proceedings have had three stages: an administrative appeal, a Superior Court lawsuit, and (pending) an appeal in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The documents are extensive, and the most important are included at the following link.

Legal documents

In the media

The effort to save Long Wharf Park has been in the media frequently. See these links.

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to frequently asked questions.

FrontPage (last edited 2013-05-22 01:09:01 by SanjoyMahajan)